The Longvity Clinic

For Men Looking To Live Longer and Better

The Longevity Clinic is a virtual men's health clinic that offers personalized medical care to get you feeling and performing at your peak — with options for an annual health retreat.

A 30-Minute Virtual Call To See If This Is A Good Fit

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The Top 6 Men's Health Issues We Diagnose & Address

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Low Testosterone

Poor Immunity

Sexual Dysfunction

Underlying Inflammation

Thyroid Issues

Extra Weight

Meet Our Team


DR. Silvana Laith

Dr. Silvana Laith MD Is A Neuro-Pathologist, Specializing In Central Nervous System Tumors And Regenerative Detoxing.
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Dr. Neil Paulvin MD

Dr. Paulvin Is An Innovative Physician In The Study Of Functional Medicine, Integrative Sports Medicine, Regenerative Medicine.
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Noah Laith CEO

Noah Laith, Has A Master In Artificial Intelligence From The University Of Amsterdam, Is The Clinical Director Of The Longevity Clinic.
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Dr. George Touliatos MD

Dr. George Touliatos Is A Physician Who Specialises In Biopathology And Is A Former Competitive Bodybuilder And Light Heavy Weight Champion (2000, 2009, 2010, 2013).
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Orkhan Ibadov

Orkhan Ibadov, The Fastest Person To Enter And Win A Memory Olympiad. He Won A Gold Medal In MEMORIAD In Turkey. In 2022,
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DR. John Corrozzela, MD Female Hormone Expert

Dr. Carrozzella joined the team of the longevity clinic where he devotes his time to serving the needs of patients with hormonal deficiencies.
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Dr. Bruno Rasmussen Graduated MD

Rasmussen Graduated From The Federal University Of Sao Paulo (Unifesp) And Has Been Working In The Chemical Dependency Field For 28 Years.
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Did you know?!

It takes an average of 17.2 years for medical knowledge to be translated into clinical practice!

This means many healthcare providers don’t have access to the latest research and advancements, leaving them with outdated information to make critical decisions about your health.

And with the average doctor’s consultation lasting a mere 7-12 minutes, it’s no wonder many patients feel rushed and unheard.

How can a doctor possibly understand your unique needs and develop a comprehensive plan in such a short time?

You deserve more. 

That’s why we stay up-to-date with the latest medical breakthroughs and incorporate them into our treatment plans.

Our consultations are thorough and unhurried, allowing us to understand your unique needs and create personalized solutions that address the root causes of your health concerns.

DR. Silvana Laith

Dr. Silvana Laith MD Is A Neuro-Pathologist, Specializing In Central Nervous System Tumors And Regenerative Detoxing.
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Dr. Silvana Laith

Dr. Neil Paulvin MD

Dr. Paulvin Is An Innovative Physician In The Study Of Functional Medicine, Integrative Sports Medicine, Regenerative Medicine.
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Dr. Neil Paulvin MD

Noah Laith

Noah Laith, Has A Master In Artificial Intelligence From The University Of Amsterdam, Is The Clinical Director Of The Longevity Clinic.
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Noah Laith

Dr. George Touliatos MD

Dr. George Touliatos Is A Physician Who Specialises In Biopathology And Is A Former Competitive Bodybuilder And Light Heavy Weight Champion (2000, 2009, 2010, 2013).
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Dr. George Touliatos MD

Orkhan Ibadov

Orkhan Ibadov, The Fastest Person To Enter And Win A Memory Olympiad. He Won A Gold Medal In MEMORIAD In Turkey. In 2022,
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Orkhan Ibadov

Dr. Bruno Rasmussen Graduated MD

Rasmussen Graduated From The Federal University Of Sao Paulo (Unifesp) And Has Been Working In The Chemical Dependency Field For 28 Years.
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Dr. Bruno Rasmussen Graduated MD

DR. John Corrozzela, MD Female Hormone Expert

Dr. Carrozzella joined the team of the longevity clinic where he devotes his time to serving the needs of patients with hormonal deficiencies.
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Dr. John Corrozzela, MD

Stay Informed

As part of your subscription and as medically indicated, The Longevity Clinic physicians prescribe FDA-approved medications, and recommend supplements that are delivered to you from the comfort of your home.Part of your subscription is educating and guiding you in each step in optimizing your genetics.

What Our Clients Say

Joe Umosella

David Rodriguez

Tiffany Gale

Omar al busaidy

Jules Bendt

Brian Tracy

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